13 year old male neutered Yorkshire Terrier with respiratory distress.

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California, Davis

Copyright Veterinaryradiology.net
Publication Date: 2014-04-04


13 year old male neutered Yorkshire Terrier with respiratory distress.

4 images



On the projection of the neck, there is redundancy and folding of the trachea at the thoracic inlet. The thoracic trachea is completely collapsed on this image. There is herniation of the lungs through the thoracic inlet, and there is gas in the cervical esophagus. The laryngeal saccules are markedly distended with gas.

Within the thorax, there is collapse of the trachea and mainstem bronchi between the two lateral projections. The lungs are again herniated through the thoracic inlet. Multiple rib fractures are evident. There is a diffuse bronchointerstitial pattern throughout the lungs. The cardiac silhouette is enlarged with left atrial enlargement. Multiple spinous processes are fractured.

