6 month old male neutered Bulldog with 4-day history of vomiting.

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California, Davis

Copyright Veterinaryradiology.net
Publication Date: 2013-10-28


6 month old male neutered Bulldog with 4-day history of vomiting.

3 images



On the right lateral projection, the stomach wall appears thickened and the gastric rugae are prominent. There is an ill-defined soft tissue opacity in the dorsal portion of the lumen. On the left lateral projection, there is a very well-defined soft tissue object outlined by gas in the pylorus. Several segments of small intestine appear moderately enlarged in the caudal abdomen. There is moderately poor abdominal detail due to the animal's young age. No other abnormalities are identified.



A 6 inch rope toy was surgically removed from the stomach and duodenum via a gastrotomy.
