Nasal Foreign Body

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California Davis

Publication Date: 2010-04-04


7 year old female neutered Boxer. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing.

4 images



THORAX A single lateral projection of the neck was obtained. There are two rounded soft tissue opacities present within the nasopharynx which appear attached to the dorsal nasopharyngeal wall. There is extension of the hyoid apparatus and abnormal air distention of the caudal nasopharynx. There is mild gasseous distention of the cervical esophagus. Within the thorax, the cardiopulmonary structures appear within normal limits.


RADIOGRAPHIC IMPRESSIONS Soft tissue masses within the nasopharynx.

CT and rhinoscopy are recommended if indicated. Unremarkable thorax without evidence of metastatic disease.
