Rodenticide Toxicity

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California Davis

Publication Date: 2010-01-22


10 year old male neutered Yorkshire Terrier with 3 day history of worsening cough and lethargy.

Physical Exam

4 images



There is an ill-definded, lobar alveolar pattern in the left caudal lung lobe. There is a diffuse interstitial pattern and visible fissure lines, most likely due to a small amount of pleural effusion. The cranial mediastinum is widened on the d/v projection, however there is no evidence of a mediastinal mass on the lateral projection.



Collapsed while taking out for walk the next day. Mucous membranes were pale and the dog became dyspneic and weak. Moved to emergency room where oxygen was administered and an IV catheter was placed. T=94.8. 900ml of warm LRS was bolused over approximately 15 mins followed by 120ml per hour. An ICU panel was submitted showing hemoglobin=3.5, pH=6.981, CO2=32.5, HCO3-=7.6, Potassium=2.7, Glucose=215, Lactate=19, PCV=13, TP=3.2.

The patient was treated with plasma, packed red blood cells and Vitamin K. Radiographs taken one week later were normal.