5 month old male Mastiff who is reluctant to walk.

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California Davis

Copyright Veterinaryradiology.net
Publication Date: 2009-03-03


5 month old male Mastiff who is reluctant to walk.

9 images



LEFT RADIUS/ULNA There are irregular, linear radiolucencies in the metaphysis of the distal radius and ulna. These are located parallel to the physis. There is increased intramedullary opacity of the proximal radius and ulna. The changes in the right radius and ulna are similar to those observed in the left antebrachium.

PELVIS There is mild incongruity of the right coxofemoral joint and moderate incongruity of the left coxofemoral joint with poor coverage of the left femoral head by the left acetabulum. There is mild periarticular remodeling at the cranial aspect of the left acetabulum. There is sclerosis and linear radiolucency of both proximal tibial metaphyses with similar, but milder changes in the distal femoral metaphyses. These changes are similar to the radius and ulna. A mild increase in intracapsular soft tissue opacity is present associated with both stifle joints. Crescent-shaped, radiolucent defects are present in the subchondral bone of the lateral condyles of the right and left femur.



Young animals can have multiple forms of developmental orthopedic disease concurrently. In this type of case it is important to take additional radiographs if needed, and to be alert for musculoskeletal abnormalities.