6 month old male neutered Rottweiler, vomiting for three days.

Allison Zwingenberger

University of California Davis

Copyright Veterinaryradiology.net
Publication Date: 2007-04-16


6 month old male neutered Rottweiler, vomiting for three days.

2 images



There is focal, marked distension of the small intestine. Some loops appear greater than 4x rib width or 1.6x the height of a vertebral body, and some are more normal. There is a semicircular soft tissue opacity outlined by gas in an enlarged loop in the mid abdomen. It is visible on the lateral and v/d projections.

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The GI foreign body is perfectly circular, and is located in a dilated loop of jejunum. The foreign body casts a "clean" shadow.


Small intestinal obstruction with rubber ball.


The focal, marked distension of small intestine is characteristic of a mechanical obstruction, such as a foreign body or mass. The age of the dog and visibility of the foreign body are diagnostic. If it were radiolucent, ultrasonography or an upper GI study would help to determine the cause of obstruction.